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Aerolase Skin Laser Treatments

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aerolase neo elite and era elite laser miami

What Is Aerolase?

The Aerolase Neo Elite is an aesthetic medical Erbium laser that provides a premium patient experience unrivaled in dermatology and aesthetics. Uniquely gentle, the Neo offers complete skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for all skin types and tones. The Neo’s unique 650-microsecond technology is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue – which contribute to your skin’s signs of aging. The Neo’s energy passes through the skin to selectively heat these targets without adverse effects – resulting in clear, healthy skin. The 650-microsecond pulse eliminates discomfort during treatment and provides safe, highly efficacious results for even the darkest skin tones thats right, its FOR ALL SKIN TYPES!!! No Pain treatment results, zero downtime!


• Acne

• Skin Rejuvenation & tightening

• Melasma & Hyperpigmentation

• Rosacea & Redness

• Spider veins

• Ingrown hairs (PFB)

• Sun & Age spots

• Skin and Scar Tone & Texture

• Hair Removal

Aerolase laser miami

Why Use Aerolase Era Elite?

Most Resurfacing Treatments are Harsh and Inconvenient

Improve Your Results Today

CO2 lasers

May cause major trauma and side effects.

Require a long downtime period.

Don’t allow for limited-area treatments.

Long-pulse Erbium lasers

May cause significant pain.

Require a long downtime period.

Don’t allow for limited-area treatments.

Fractional CO2 or Erbium lasers

May cause pain and bleeding.

Require multiple sessions.

Don’t allow for limited-area treatments.


Unlike fractional or long-pulsed lasers, the Era Elite’s gentle 300-microsecond pulse duration produces a clean ablation with no collateral damage to the dermis and as the laser energy is delivered in a pulse duration below or close to the thermal relaxation time of human skin tissue,  overheating of epidermal melanin and the associated potential for pain and side effects is avoided. This means a safe and virtually pain-free experience (no topical anaesthetic or nerve block is needed), there is no bleeding, minimal downtime and recovery is quicker than with CO2 lasers.


The Aerolase Neo laser uses a  can also be used to quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of veins and redness — with no pain or side effects. High power output results in significant energy absorption in the targeted veins and capillaries, leading to destruction or closure of the vessels.


Simply Erase Skin Aging

Reverse by Aerolase is a new way to correct and prevent signs of skin aging. This new treatment combines two elite devices, the Neo Elite and Era Elite, in a single treatment session, to completely renew the dermal and epidermal layers of skin.

The result is flawless skin for years to come. While the Neo Elite and Era Elite deliver incredible results alone, together they deliver significantly better patient satisfaction and improvement of the signs of skin aging.

Aerolase® Neo Elite

The Aerolase Neo is an aesthetic medical laser that provides a premium patient experience unrivaled in dermatology and aesthetics. Uniquely gentle, the Neo offers complete skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for all skin types and tones. The Neo’s unique 650-microsecond technology is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue – which contribute to your skin’s signs of aging. The Neo’s energy passes through the skin to selectively heat these targets without adverse effects – resulting in clear, healthy skin. The 650-microsecond pulse eliminates discomfort during treatment and provides safe, highly efficacious results for even the darkest skin 


Aerolase® Era Elite

The Era represents a new revolution in skin rejuvenation as a high-precision 2940nm laser that delivers high-fluence in a collimated beam, utilizing a gentle 300-microsecond pulse duration.

The Era uniquely allows for independent depth of ablation of shallow or deep indications (plus, a non-ablative mode) within a treatment site, as well as precision targeting of difficult contours of the nose and periocular areas. These controlled pulses allow for full ablation of the epidermis without damaging the dermis, which eliminates pinpoint bleeding, oozing, and excessive amounts of downtime while still achieving the stunning results historically only seen with CO2 lasers.

34 FDA Approved Protocols for Aerolase

NeoClear by Aerolase® Acne Treatment

NeoClear by Aerolase offers patients of all ages and skin types a new safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for acne using advanced 650-microsecond technology. NeoClear is a powerful acne treatment that eliminates the major factors causing acne including excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria. Typically, many different treatments, medications, or skin care options are required to address these factors, but NeoClear can achieve this with a single device. The unique settings of the 650-microsecond device allows energy to penetrate deeply into the skin within a highly safe and tolerable pulse to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy the p. acnes bacteria to help clear current acne breakouts and to stop them in the future. Also, the deep heating energy helps build collagen, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars and leave skin looking radiant.​NeoClear is a special treatment as there are no side effects, is very comfortable for patients, and the results can be seen quickly – in as little as a single treatment. NeoClear is an excellent option for patients that do not want to take prescription medications or are unable to. Plus, with increasing prescription costs, NeoClear is an excellent, cost-effective solution for patients’ acne problems.  NeoClear treatments typically take between 10-30 minutes depending on the severity of acne and the size of the area affected (face, neck, chest, torso). NeoClear is highly safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types, all ages, and all types of acne. Treatment may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.


  • First, we prep you for treatment and cover your eyes with protective shields.

  • You lie comfortably on a treatment table while the laser applicator is passed over your skin.

  • The area is treated to destroy acne-causing bacteria, which helps control future breakouts. 

  • Laser energy is then directly applied to treat current breakouts, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.



  • The number of treatments you need will depend on several factors, including your lifestyle and the severity of your condition. You may need a series of four to six treatment sessions to achieve optimal results. After the acne is controlled, touch-up treatments may be needed to clear up future breakouts. This treatment can be performed whenever acne breakouts occur.


  • This procedure is not performed with topical anesthetics or cooling gels, as it is uniquely pain-free. Patients experience a mild sensation of heat during treatment.


  • Aerolase laser light heats water within the skin’s deeper layer (dermis), stimulating the regrowth of collagen and elastin. This gradually helps fill in and smooth out cratering and pockmarks caused by acne.


  • You can safely apply makeup immediately after Aerolase laser acne treatment. Acne medication and skincare products can also be used right away.


  • Although the laser kills acne-causing bacteria right away, it can take several weeks to see a noticeable improvement in the skin. You may need a series of four to six treatment sessions, plus touch up treatments for any future breakouts. We can help you establish a home skincare regime to help prevent breakouts and enhance and maintain your results.


  • If you are tired of suffering from acne, Aerolase laser treatment has several benefits:

  • The procedure is quick and painless.No downtime is required.Laser light attacks and destroys acne-causing bacteria.Treatment suppresses oil glands to reduce sebum production. The appearance of acne scars is improved.​

Aerolase laser neo clear for acne

NeoSkin by Aerolase® Melasma and Hyperpigmentation

NeoSkin by Aerolase allows patients of all skin types to comprehensively clear their melasma and hyperpigmentation. As a multi-factorial condition that can involve epidermal melanin, dermal melanin, and a vascular component, melasma typically requires a complex treatment regimen to achieve clearance and prevent recurrence. The Aerolase Neo helps patients to achieve clearance with a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment by addressing each of these factors. The Neo’s 650-microsecond laser energy is delivered into the dermis and epidermis to break up melanin deposits while shutting down vasculature and inflammation. Due to the unique parameters of the Neo’s energy, treatment is highly tolerable with minimal risk of adverse effects compared to traditional topical or device treatments for melasma.

aerolase neo laser for melasma hyperpigmentation

NeoSkin by Aerolase® Rejuvenation and Tightening

NeoSkin by Aerolase advances rejuvenation and tightening to new levels by enabling a comprehensive treatment to address tone and texture, redness, pigmentation, laxity, and other unwanted skin structures in a single treatment with a single device. NeoSkin uses 650-microsecond laser energy, which is uniquely attracted to melanin, hemoglobin, and water within the skin to safely, effectively, and tolerably renew the skin’s natural, youthful glow. NeoSkin now accomplishes the results of what used to take numerous treatments and treatment methods.


As skin ages there can be many changes that occur. Skin quality can worsen with enlarged pores, texture, and lax skin. Unwanted conditions such as redness, veins, sun damage, and age spots may show up. Acne may follow through adulthood. Whether you are looking to restore your clear, youthful skin or prevent signs of aging, NeoSkin can help achieve your skin goals. First, NeoSkin’s 650-microsecond energy targets water in the dermis to stimulate collagen production, which reduces fine lines, pores, and tightens skin. Then, if present, NeoSkin targets melanin and hemoglobin to clear brown pigment, clear vascular lesions, and suppress inflammation. This NeoSkin treatment is a quick, tailored treatment to address each patient’s specific needs.


NeoSkin treatments typically take 20-60 minutes depending on what conditions need to be addressed and how large the treatment area is (face, neck, chest). Treatment is highly safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types and may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.

NeoClear is a special treatment as there are no side effects, is very comfortable for patients, and the results can be seen quickly – in as little as a single treatment. NeoClear is an excellent option for patients that do not want to take prescription medications or are unable to. Plus, with increasing prescription costs, NeoClear is an excellent, cost-effective solution for patients’ acne problems. 


NeoClear treatments typically take between 10-30 minutes depending on the severity of acne and the size of the area affected (face, neck, chest, torso). NeoClear is highly safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types, all ages, and all types of acne. Treatment may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.

aerolase neo elite laser miami

NeoSkin by Aerolase® Rosacea, Redness, and Veins

NeoSkin comprehensively addresses rosacea, redness, veins, and broken capillaries in a single, 20-25 minute treatment session. A common condition with skin aging is the appearance of redness and formation of veins and broken capillaries in the skin. Rosacea is a chronic disorder that is characterized by facial flushing and with time the gradual development of persistent facial redness and spider-like blood vessels. It is often punctuated by episodes of inflammatory papules (bumps), pustules (pimples), and swelling. Management for many people often includes avoidance of popular foods and alcohol as well as cosmetic camouflage, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Other diffuse redness including poikiloderma of civatte may be attributed by other factors such as exposure to UV rays and lifestyle, which can also be addressed by the NeoSkin treatment. The Aerolase Neo effectively addresses these conditions with deep-penetrating energy that suppresses the inflammation causing the redness. It also coagulates the unwanted veins and broken capillaries, which are then gradually cleared by the body’s natural immune response.

Aerolase neo for rosacea miami

Psoriasis Clearance

Aerolase 650 Microsecond Technology™ suppresses inflammation and coagulates the hypervasculature feeding plaque growth with deep-penetrating energy. Aerolase uniquely enables patients with psoriasis a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for patients of all ages and skin types without the use of topical steroids or systemic medications. This means that there are no side-effects from traditional therapies. Plus, compared to other light-based therapies, Aerolase 650 Microsecond Technology offers quicker treatments and faster rates of clearance. 

Aerolase laser for Psoriasis

Nail Fungus

Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality.  In addition of causing an unhealthy appearance, it can cause pain and difficulty walking.  


Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective.  Most patients are able to be clear of their infection with only one or two treatments.  Laser procedures for nail fungus are proven to be a much safer and effective method as compared to oral medications or topical creams.   One of the key aspects of eradicating nail fungus is to achieve penetration of the laser energy into the nail bed.  This area needs significant heating to ensure the fungal material is destroyed, which requires a deep-heating and powerful laser.  The Aerolase Neo Elite offers patients the ideal laser for such treatment.  After the treatment, patients are able to resume their daily activities as normal.


Results are not immediate, as it takes anywhere from 3-12 months for the new, non-infected nail to grow.  It is recommended that patients follow this preventive care regiment to avoid reinfection:


  1. Apply an antifungal cream for 2 weeks following the procedure;

  2. Always spray inside the shoes at the end of the day with an antifungal spray and avoid wearing the shoes for 2 days or use Steri-Shoe ultraviolet shoe sanitizers;

  3. After 2 weeks, spray the feet or fingers with anti-fungal spray on an ongoing basis;

  4. Change the sheets the 1st night after each treatment;

  5. Cleanse the floor of the shower before next use with a cleanser that includes bleach;

  6. Cleanse all nail instruments with bleach before using them again;

  7. Throw out any nail polish previously used on the nails;

  8. Exercise caution in public areas like hotel rooms and public showers.

Aerolase laser for nail fungus

Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses a combination of heat and energy to destroy the hair follicle without harming the skin around it.  The Aerolase Neo Elite laser offers patients a uniquely pain-free and gentle way to get rid of any unwanted hair.  Most patients who have been treated by other lasers say that being treated with the Aerolase Neo Elite is much gentler and more pleasant.  During laser hair removal, the hair must be in its growing phase in order to be successfully destroyed.  To ensure that all hair is effectively removed during the growing phase, you will receive a series of treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart.  This will successfully ensure maximum results.

Aerolase laser hair removal miami

Skin Of Color

Patients of all skin types and tones are searching for the next best thing for their dermatologic and aesthetic needs. This is especially true for skin of color patients who are limited to specific treatments that at times give ineffective results. The Aerolase Neo 650 Microsecond Technology is revolutionized to provide patients of all ages and skin types the equal and fair opportunity to treat a skin condition with advanced technology.


How does Aerolase work for skin of color?The Neo is able to safely treat skin of color patients by using laser energy that can pass through the epidermis so quickly that it does not have time to overheat the epidermal melanocytes, thus avoiding the pigmentary risk associated with most laser systems. With Neo, not only is the treatment safer and much more pleasant than any other laser on the market, but it is also more efficacious, delivering the sought-after result with a lesser number of treatments thanks to its unique blend of high-powered yet gentle laser pulses. 

Neo clear for acne , melasma and hyperpigmentation

Spider Veins Laser

If you have spider veins, you may be a candidate for Aerolase laser vein treatment. These unsightly red, purple, or blue veins are visible through the skin and often mar the appearance of your legs or face. If you are reluctant to wear shorts, sundresses, or swimsuits because of spider veins, Aerolase laser treatment may be a good option for you.The Aerolase Neo Elite is able to safely treat a broad range of visible blood vessels from angiomas and spider veins to large leg veins.  The Aerolase Neo Elite delivers a pulse of laser energy, which will cause the blood within the vein to coagulate and destroy the vessel, which will have absorbed by your body over several weeks to leave your skin looking rejuvenated and youthful.  No matter what part of your body is affected, the Aerolase Neo Elite can safely and effectively take care of any unwanted veins. 

  • You may need a series of treatments spaced three to four weeks apart to achieve optimal results.

  • A treatment may take between 20 to 60 minutes to perform.

  • The Aerolase laser uses microsecond technology to deliver very short bursts of high energy through the skin.

  • The treatment causes the blood within the veins to coagulate, thereby destroying the blood vessel.

  • The vein will be naturally absorbed by the body over several weeks, leaving the skin looking smoother, evenly toned, and more attractive. 

  • There is no downtime after Aerolase spider vein treatment. This state-of-the-art laser is gentle and completely non-invasive. You may return to your usual routine following your procedure. We will advise you on how long to avoid strenuous exercise.



No. There is virtually no risk of scarring with Aerolase laser vein treatment.


Once they are destroyed and absorbed by the body, treated spider veins are permanently gone. However, new spider veins may develop over time, and you may need additional treatments 


we will design a vein treatment plan for you. In many cases, results are achieved in as little as one to two treatments.


Treated veins may look like cat scratches for several weeks after treatment. When the destroyed veins are absorbed by the body, your skin will appear rejuvenated.


Yes. The Aerolase laser is effective for both leg veins and facial veins.


aerolase laser for spider veins

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB)

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB), more commonly known as ‘ingrown hairs’ or ‘beard bumps,’ is an inflammatory skin condition caused when the hair grows back into the skin tissue. Commonly seen in particular among African-American men and associated with shaving, this condition includes the development of painful pustules and papules.

Traditional methods of depilation or the use of topicals can cause irritation and significant treatment pain. In recent years, Nd:YAG (1064nm) lasers have been employed to treat PFB, given their ability to selectively target melanin and the resultant destruction of follicles and hair shafts that con- tribute to the problem. However, traditional Nd:YAG lasers have been painful and concerns of pigmentary changes on darker skin types have held people back.

The Neo medical-aesthetic laser has changed the landscape with respect to PFB treatment, combining the ability to efficiently treat the condition without pain and with an industry-lead- ing safety margin for laser usage on Fitzpatrick Skin Types IV-VI. This is enabled by the laser’s 650 Microsecond Technology®, through which the necessary fluence for the treatment is delivered in a safe pulse duration of 650-microseconds – below the thermal relaxation time of the skin tissue. As a result, the bulk of the laser energy passes straight through to the targeted deep dermal region with only limit- ed laser energy absorbed in epidermal melanin – thus avoiding the pain and the need for skin cool- ing that are associated with ultra long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers.

Aerolase neo for PFB Pseudofolliculitis Barbae

Aerolase Reverse

What Do I Get With Reverse?

 Reverse is a one-of-a-kind treatment utilizing 2 award winning lasers to completely renew the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.  It delivers amazing results comfortable, simply, and without long periods of social downtime.  It helps to reduce appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pores, acne scars and skin laxity.  Helps to resurface the skin to alleviate roughness and dryness.  Reverse by Aerolase evens out those reds and browns, reduces inflammation, and increases skin elasticity and firmness.  Michelle at Ageless has been a guest speaker for the Aerolase Company as her entire business is founded on these two technologies. We are the exclusive provider in the tri-state offering this amazing anti-aging treatment.


An Easy And Effective Two Step Routine



NeoSkin by Aerolase:

The NeoSkin laser facial stimulates collagen and elastin and treats 36 different FDA skin concerns deep in the skin known as the dermis all in a single no downtime session. It has proven to especially tighten around the mid cheek and eye area to make you look less tired!

  • Immediate results of tighter and brighter skin. Great before a big event

  • Rejuvenation of skin tone and texture, fine lines and wrinkles, veins and redness, and hyperpigmentation

  • Long-lasting Results

  • Dermal collagen remodeling promotes thicker, fuller skin that shines




Era Elite® by Aerolase:

Era Elite gently renews the outer layers of the skin known as the epidermis. The Ageless medical provider has complete control over depth of ablation to customize your treatment.

  • Brand new refreshed skin in 6 days

  • Improves fine lines, wrinkles, smoker's lines, crow's feet, age spots, large pores, scars, lesions, skin tags and milia

  • Long-lasting Results


After treatment, return to your existing skin care routine and enjoy your beautiful skin.

Aerolase reverse with Neo and Era laser

Pre Care Instructions:

Discontinue retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide containing products at least one week prior to procedure. Be sure to check all skin care products including over-the-counter.

• If you have any history of cold sores, please let us know as soon as possible so we may prescribe Valtrex for you to take prior and after your procedure.

• No prolonged sun exposure, spray tanning, or tanning bed use for at least 1 week prior to procedure.

• Please try to arrive for your appointment without makeup, but is may be removed at the spa if more convenient.

What To Expect:

Most patients who have tried other lasers report that the Aerolase is much gentler and more pleasant. Patients experience a mild warming sensation on the skin. A slight redness of the skin, if it occurs at all, will typically face within a few hours. â€‹

Post Care:

It is recommended to not apply anything to the skin 15 minutes post Aerolase. This treatment helps with stimulating collagen so you want that heat response. 

• there is little to no downtime after Aerolase, you may have some mild redness to skin for a few hours then will fade.

• Do not use any products like retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs to face for 48-72 hours post treatment. 

• You can resume normal daily activities after each treatment, you should avoid direct sun exposure and use sunblock

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